bridal make-up


Every bride is unique but every bride wants the same-

being the prettiest on her wedding day

A bridal make-up look, even if it's  natural, must meet many more requirements than an ordinary day make-up.

It should stay beautiful all day long, so you can enjoy yourself and do not have to constantly touch up and check on your make-up.

On the one hand, it should be beautiful in cool daylight for your ceremony and photo shoot, and on the other hand visible in evening light and by candlelight during dinner.

And that is exactly MyBrides can provide!

It goes without saying that we work with professional products only.

We also have knowledge about the different skin types, expertise about the diversity of skin colors and the right techniques to highliht your characteristic

Your wishes are central and ultimately you determine your own look. Because only then can you be completely yourself and feel at ease.

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